CBD oil

CBD oils for pets

THC-free CBD oils


100% natural CBD oil from Swiss production


Since our inception in 2017, we have specialized directly in CBD oils. Discover our 100% natural, Swiss-produced CBD oils of unrivalled quality. At Aïfé, we take great pride in offering you high-quality CBD oils from plants grown responsibly and without pesticides. Try our CBD oils and find out why they’ve become so popular!

More information about our CBD cannabis oils


Introduction to CBD oils

Now a premium product line in the food and medicinal fields, cannabidiol oil, more commonly known as CBD, comes in different varieties depending on its manufacturing process and cannabinoid percentage. Extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant, this oil is appreciated for its benefits without psychoactive risks. Our store offers three types of oils, each with different concentrations.

CBD oils have become extremely popular in recent years due to their many health and wellness benefits. CBD oil is manufactured and extracted from hemp plants with a high CBD content and low THC content. Our range of oils is composed of 3 types and different concentrations.

  • Broad Spectum CBD oil preserves all the cannabinoids with the exception of THC. This CBD oil therefore contains no trace of THC.
  • Full Spectrum CBD oil preserves all the cannabinoids including THC (<1%). This CBD oil therefore contains THC
  • CBD oil for animals is an isolated extraction of CBD (CBD Isolat). It contains only CBD


Extraction methods for our CBD oils

Broad Spectrum Aïfé CBD oil (0% THC) is derived from a cold extraction method that preserves all the active substances (cannabinoids), thereby multiplying the benefits obtained. This traditional method preserves the main active biomolecules, such as phyto-cannabinoids. The difference with Full Spectrum oil is that an extraction step is added to remove the THC. You’ll also benefit from the entourage effect created by the interaction of different terpenes and cannabinoids.


The health benefits of CBD oils

CBD oils are increasingly recognized for the health benefits and well-being they provide. Numerous studies and user testimonials demonstrate that CBD can reduce inflammation, relieve certain types of pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality. Some people with epilepsy also report many positive effects.


The quality of our CBD oils

We are proud to offer the highest quality CBD oils, produced in Switzerland. Switzerland is known for its expertise in the production of high-quality hemp and its strict production standards. We only use hemp plants grown responsibly and without harmful pesticides. We work closely with the best Swiss laboratories to select the plants needed to extract our CBD oils.

The benefits of CBD oils for pets

CBD oils can offer many benefits for pets such as dogs and cats. Pet owners have reported that using CBD oil for their pets can help reduce pain and inflammation, reduce anxiety and even help prevent convulsions or epileptic seizures. CBD oils can also help stimulate appetite in animals.

Are CBD oils legal?

Yes, all our oils comply with Swiss law, which sets the THC limit for CBD products at less than 1%.


CBD oils, a medicine?

Although many serious studies and consumer testimonials point to the many benefits of taking CBD on a daily basis, CBD is not medically considered a drug.


What concentration of CBD should I choose for our CBD oils?

EEach person reacts differently to CBD depending on their sensitivities and body shape. It is best to start with a low concentration and then judge whether the effect is sufficient; if not, you will probably have to switch to a higher concentration.
